Monday, January 21, 2019

过度教育现象 (China)

国际过度教育网(Overeducation International) 是注册在美国麻省州的非盈利组织。
这个网站致力于研究全球大学毕业生的供给与需求。各个国家对高等教育都十分的重视。政府和公民花费大量的资金用于高等教育。对于高等教育的大规模投资导致大学毕业生的供给迅速增加。在许多国家,大学毕业生的过度供给现象十分显著,越来越多的大学毕业生无法找到合适的工作。他们要不就是待业在家,要不就是接受低技能的工作。国际过度教育网 (OI) 致力研究过度教育的现象,并引起社会对过度教育起因和结果的关注。
China: Structural Imbalance of Higher Education Through Higher Education
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"研究生不如本科车" 就业率为何与学历"倒挂"
More workers say they are over-educated
Overeducation or Undereducation-Some Evidence from Chineses Graduates
Do Chinese Employers Avoid Hiring Overqualified Workers? Evidence from an Internet Job Board
An Observation on Graduates' Over-Education and Under-Education of Higher Education
Graduate Unemployment in China: A Market Demand Perspective
The Essence of Overeducation in China (full text download)
The Incidence and Wage Effects of Overeducation: the Case of Taiwan

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