Sunday, April 28, 2019

Work-Travel Opportunities for Low-wage Low-skill Workers

Engineer, Doctors, Businessmen, Professionals and high income persons in general, have many opportunities to travel inside their country and around the world. Low-wage workers, on the other hand, cannot afford to travel. Their families can hardly travel either because their job contract does not include any vacation or  they cannot afford to pay for the travel expenses.

There is, however, a possibility to give these low-income persons a chance to visit and spend a few days in other cities. If they work for a large corporation that has branches in many cities, the corporation can allow them to spend some time working in other branches or franchises.
Lets imagine this possibility by looking at Walmart. The Walmart corporation have stores all over the U.S. and in many other countries. The employees of Walmart in these stores do similar work. A person that works in the electronics department of one store branch can perform the same task in any other branch. So Walmart can allow its employees to spend a few weeks per year working in other branches. It can even create an employee swap program among stores.

This mechanism will allow a low-wage Walmart worker in New York to take his family to Miami for a couple of weeks and work in a Walmart store branch in that city. This way he will continue to get paid and his family can enjoy a vacation. This work-vacation policy is feasible and it will be a great service to millions of low-income working households all over the world.  

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