Nader Habibi
Nader Habibi: Economist with regional focus on Middle Eastern countries. Department of Economics and Crown Center for Middle East Studies, Brandeis University (USA) TWITTER (X) ACCOUNT:
Thursday, January 2, 2025
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Wednesday, November 8, 2023
The October 7 Hamas Attack and Israel's Response in Gaza
Hamas made a strategic mistake and committed a war crime by killing civilians during its October 7 attack on Israel. The large number of Israeli civilian casualties brought worldwide condemnation against Hamas. Israel's response has been excessive and disproportionate. Israel could have avoided the mass casualties of thousands of women and children. Thousands more Palestinian residents of Gaza are at risk of death and injuries because of the food, water, electricity and internet blockade. The United States has a moral duty to use its leverage on Israel to impose a humanitarian ceasefire.
The world has a moral and humanitarian duty to call for a just and fair two-state solution, that creates an independent state for Palestinians next to Israel. Israel has a right to exist and live in peace. The Palestinians have the same right. Countries that call for the destruction of Israel are wrong. Countries that ignore the rights of Palestinians are wrong. The government of Iran must respect the public opinion of the majority of Iranians and modify its policy toward Israel. It must abandon the call for the destruction of Israel and focus on securing a homeland for Palestinians and a dignified peace. In doing so it will bring its position closer to Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey and pave the way for improved relations with these regional neighbors.
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